B2B MarketingTools & Software

Our Commitment to Web Accessibility and Compliance

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For today’s digitally-driven businesses, web accessibility is critical. An accessible website fosters a more inclusive digital experience, broadens reach, and drives loyalty – all while ensuring compliance with legal requirements. That’s why we’re committed to embracing inclusive digital design.

What is accessibility for B2B websites?

At its most basic level, web accessibility means ensuring everyone can enjoy your website, regardless of ability. Here are a few of the most important action items to address when making your website accessible:

  • Allow for keyboard-only navigation
  • Ensure full compatibility with assistive technology like screen readers
  • Use highly contrasting colors
  • Provide alt text for meaningful images
  • Use proper heading structures
  • Include captions and transcripts for videos
  • Design accessible forms
  • Maintain responsive and flexible design
  • Avoid using color as the only means of conveying information
  • Use descriptive URLs and link text
  • Ensure consistent navigation
  • Allow for content to be increased and decreased in size
  • Try to avoid auto-replaying media
  • Use simple and clear language
  • Include an accessibility statement
  • Ensure your website does not feature content that can induce seizures
  • Make sure your online documents are accessible, as well
  • Regularly update and maintain accessibility features

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) created the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), the global standard for web accessibility and the cited recommendation in most legislation.

For businesses, ensuring physical locations and digital environments are accessible to people with disabilities is a legal requirement.

To truly implement accessibility on your site, you’ll need to address issues both on the surface layer as well as at the root. This is done by bringing your site’s source code into compliance.

Why is web accessibility important?

First and foremost, web accessibility makes the internet a more inclusive and equitable space for all users. According to the CDC, up to one in four (27%) American adults have some type of disability. At a minimum, inaccessible websites can be a source of frustration for those using assistive technology, and at worst, the website becomes unusable.

In addition to being a legal requirement and important to your site’s visitors – it’s also good business. Prioritizing accessibility helps to position your brand as inclusive and forward-thinking, while also mitigating potential legal issues.

Here are six ways digital accessibility improves customer metrics (based on a 2023 survey):

  1. User experience
  2. Customer satisfaction
  3. Brand reputation
  4. Customer acquisition
  5. Customer retention
  6. Revenue

Other studies have shown that enhancing web accessibility can significantly improve growth KPIs, such as SEO rankings and organic traffic.

The legal side of website accessibility

In 2018, the DOJ confirmed that websites are considered places of public accommodation and must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In 2022, the DOJ reiterated this position and recommended the WCAG as the best practice. Since then, legal actions concerning web accessibility have surged. This trend is expected to continue globally as more countries recognize the importance of web accessibility and implement their own legislation.

Some examples of legislation include:

While these are important to be aware of, the bottom line is that digital accessibility helps everyone. An accessible website makes for a clearer, more coherent site structure, helping to boost user experience, growth metrics, brand reputation, and bottom lines.

How we ensure our accessibility

To further promote and reaffirm our commitment to digital inclusion, All Around Creative has announced its partnership with accessiBe, the market leader in web accessibility solutions. This collaboration underscores our dedication to empower our clients to equalize the web experience to include people with disabilities, facilitating equal access to information and services online.

Leveraging accessiBe’s cutting-edge ecosystem of solutions, All Around Creative can now empower its clients to not only meet accessibility standards but also prioritize usability for all users. This initiative highlights our continued efforts toward making the internet accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities, fostering a culture of inclusion and equality in the digital space.

If you’re interested in learning more, or want to make your own site more accessible, contact us today!